For satellite communications specialists Livewire Connections, working with their customers is more than just supplying equipment or an off the shelf solution. In the last few years Livewire Connections have seen an increase in crew welfare support packages as commercial vessels look to retain crew and ensure their welfare whilst at sea. These services can have a profound effect on the working life of those using them.
A long standing customer recently reported to the team how the solution supplied has made a difference to its employees and contractors whilst at sea. As a main Cobham Sea Tel dealer, Livewire Connections have installed a Sea-Tel Ku-band VSAT antenna with airtime on board the vessel Subsea 7 DSV Seven Discovery, a 120m versatile dive support vessel. The complete turnkey solution provides reliable internet access for the crew and contractors whilst they are working on board.
The divers working on DSV Seven Discovery are saturation divers; subsequently they spend a prolonged period of time in a pressurised capsule, with very little interaction with the ‘outside world.’ The crew welfare VSAT enables the divers to keep in touch with friends, families and colleagues. Working out of mobile phone range, the Wi-Fi internet access can be the only interaction they have with people other than the divers who are also enclosed within the restricted capsules.
When asked how the packages supplied by Livewire Connections to DSV Seven Discovery help with crew morale, Mike Derrick (Chief Engineer) goes on to explain.
There are three key benefits the divers receive from the services Livewire Connections provides, whilst they are working in isolation over a prolonged period of time. The divers have the benefit of the internet and access to social media sites, something not usually possible with the saturation diving complex. They have continued communication, should the primary satellite dish be masked due to the heading of the vessel and finally they can access sites such as You Tube, which are usually blocked by company servers due to bandwidth restrictions.
The operators of offshore survey vessels, wind farm support vessels, dive support vessels and all types of merchant ships, captains and crew have an ever growing reliance on internet access, and Livewire Connections utilises this knowledge and understanding of communications and IT to meet these customer requirements. Livewire Connections have developed significant experience in the provision of crew welfare communications, offering crew welfare solutions to help morale and retention whilst at sea for prolonged periods especially in times of isolation.
David Walker, Sales Director for Livewire Connections said, “Livewire Connections has seen an increasing demand as operators, managers and captains are looking at ways to retain their crew for longer periods. Crew welfare packages such as this are becoming more paramount and there is a direct correlation with this, crew retention and morale.” Livewire Connections have deployed systems on a significant number of vessels and they can only see the demand for simple to use, reliable systems increasing.